Friday, February 25, 2011

"Anarchy in Libya"... Commentary by Mark E. Temme

Ever since President Reagan bombed Libya in the 1980s', Libya's President Gadhafi has
kept himself low key and inline with U.S. policy criteria, thus until recently stability in Libya...
I support President Gadhafi's use of military force to suppress anarchy and unrest in his country, many of the mob a bunch of lawless thugs, some with terrorist connections.
Moammar Gadhafi as head of state is "legally bound" to suppress any anarchy with Libya's
current unrest and chaos...
Mr. Temme states, "we do not want an unorganized 'repeat' of
the Soviet Union and their 'Satellite States' chaotic melt down in the early 1990s..."

A Earth News Report

June 07, 2011

"Anarchy in Libya"
Commentary by Mark E. Temme

The war in Libya still drags on, as the Obama White House and its NATO consorts, are continuing their bombing raids on the Libyan people and Gadhafi regime, under thr "guise" of protecting the Libyan people... Apparently no lessons were learned by the White House from its previous failed wars, such as in Korea in the 1950s, then again by the President Kennedy Administration with its attempted and failed "Cuban Bay of Pigs" invasion where it tried to ouster Fidel Castro in 1961. Then again a few years later its war in Vietnam, trying to "prop up" a puppet government, like now in Libya, in Vietnam it "ultimately" failed costing hundreds of thousands of lives, including nearly 60,000 U.S. service men.
As the pop group ABBA in their hit song "Waterloo" in the 1970s, sang in one lyric, "The history book on the shelf is always repeating itself ", which unfortunately is proving again to hold true...