Sunday, August 28, 2011


Mark E. Temme American author and former ASC member 1970s/80s, says President Obama's foreign policy, its "attack" on Libya, a non-hostile sovereign nation recognized by the former Bush Administration as a 'poster child' a former rogue nation now turned in the "right direction" pro Western "against terrorism". Was a huge foreign policy "disaster" for the President Obama Administration. Mr. Obama, who was of colored 'foreign' african origin 'not really american' and a inexperienced mediocre junior Senator with only two years experience in federal service, was thrust into office as a 'token' minority president, mainly by the liberal biased Newsweek news magazine staff and liberal Democratic/Jeffersonian american press, some lacking moral fortitude, mostly anti-Bush, anti-Republican...

After Thought
 During Obama's presidency, he endorsed gay marriage, in effect encouraging sodomy between boys and men. Was also "known" to distort the truth and show cowardice, case in point the U.S. Embassy in Benghazi massacre in Libya on September 11, 2012, in which U.S. ambassador Chris Stevens and staff were massacred by Libyan rebel thugs, after requesting and pleading for U.S. military assistance which never appeared ...

 President Obama's distruction of Libya and Tripoli via NATO in the war against President Gadhafi in 2011 had destroyed his regime, who over the years had kept "peace and stability in the region". Mr. Temme states, "all of that now is history, as President Obama unwisely under pressure from former 1960s Vietnam war monger Senator McCain a POW in Vietnam. Senator John McCain helped Obama 'author' NATO to literally destroy the Gadhafi regime by its bombing missions". Not since the President Johnson Aministration against Vietnam in 1964, has such 'self rightious' policy by the American government been re-applied, and again with disasterous results to a nation and its people like now in Libya.
"Let it be remembered" that early on in the war "air attack" on Libya by NATO, Muammar Gadhafi and his son Saif al-Islam offered to hold "open elections" monitored by the United Nations, but the Western powers "declined"...  Latest estimates by some Libyan commanders on both sides, estimate over 100,000 Libyans died in the war which was "incited" by President Obama and NATO...

Entry October 22, 2011

On October 20th 2011 Muammar Gadhafi in the heat of battle in Sirte, was executed by rebel thugs, after his convoy came under air attack by NATO forces, he and his female body guards took refuge in a culvert nearby after his convoy was attacked with missiles, they were captured, shown "no mercy" and executed...While President Obama and Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton in the White House security ready room 'laughed'...

View Gadhafi's brutal President Obama/NATO 'authored' execution via Itar-Tass,  or

Note: Like the Gadhafi regime, pro-western Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi of Iran in the 1970's kept "stability" and "peace" in the region like Gadhafi. The Shah was allowed by President Carter for his "pro-Western" government to be overthrown by extremist Islamic influences in February 1979, thus to date a "thorn" and "threat" in U.S./Israel affairs in the region. Thus President Obama "continued" President Carter's failures in the Middle East region by Obama's direct decimation of pro-western Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi's regime via NATO in 2011, which was "not authorized" in the United Nations mandate. The Obama Administration in early 2011 encouraged and incited the "downfall" of  pro-western Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak and Syria's Bashar al- Assad by Islamic extremists, resulting in Middle East "unstability" and Syria's near distruction by rebel extremist thugs, only thwarted by Russia's President Vlad Putin's 'common sense' foreighn policy...

Mr. Temme is a former ASC member 'known' to Presidents Ford, Carter, Reagan and Bush "the younger", for his sound foreign policy "advise" over the years to the White House. Most recently, in a "Thank You" card from former President Carter the former President "thanked" Mr. Temme for his continuous support with the President's "CARTER CENTER" and its work in Africa...


View: Mr. Temme's "new verse" Muammar Gadhafi

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Report by war correspondent Mark E. Temme...


Not since the Vietnam war in the 1960s have i seen such abusive behavior or atrocities
in war by the United States, then i was a highschool student when i read about the
MY LAI MASSACRE in Vietnam which occured March 16, 1968, conducted by
"Charlie Company" 1st battalion 20th infantry, 11 th brigade, of the Americal Division,
United States Army. All the victims were civilians, children, women and elderly people,
like in Majar, the remote village in western Libya.

The American NATO backed MAJAR VILLAGE MASSACRE in western Libya
which was recently attacked by NATO to help "lawless" rebels against the Gadhafi regime.

In the attack the NATO American backed assault killed countless women and children,
like in the My Lai Massacre in Vietnam in 1968, all those years ago...

The 1970s Swedish "pop" group ABBA song "Waterloo"  who's lyrics go "Waterloo...
the history book on the shelf is always repeating itself..." sadly still holds true...

Report by Mark E. Temme



                                                               September 04, 2011
                                                                  "WARS END"
                                                        (The Distruction of Tripoli)
                                                         "THE RAPING OF LIBYA"

                                                                Mark E. Temme

                                                       "WAR CORRESPONDENT"

    "Just the Beginning"... Aftermath  Log Entry: On January 23, 2012 Gadhafi regime loyalists retake control of Bani Walid a major city in Libya, intelligence info hints that Muammar Gadhafi's son "Saif" captured in Libya by a rebel faction group had negotiated an "alliance" with Saif al-Islam, Muammar Gadhafi's heir apparent... The war continues to unfold, in early February 2012 Libya's western tribes unify, not recognizing the (NTC) a "puppet government" set up by the U.S./NATO alliance.
(February 10th & 15th 2012 log entries).

Log entry March 9, 2012

The war still continues to unfold, a major Libyan eastern city Benghazi (Cyrenaica province) earlier this week announced they would run their own affairs, defying the U.S./NATO "puppet government" in Tripoli. The province is home of Libya's biggest oil fields. Intelligence data "suggests" Saif al-Islam, Gadhafi's son, is backing the  alliance.

Pacific Time  0945 hrs.

August 21, & 22, 2011
August 27, & 28

September 04, 2011

In retrospect, Muammar Gadhafi the "lawful" Libyan leader is fighting a battle against the Western colonial powers, being the United States, Britain and France, who's own history is covered in blood wars, and violence and self righteousness for their governments design and agenda, in Libya its "about" the vast  oil reserves...
One can only hope that President Gadhafi, and his loyalist countrymen will not be massacred in Tripoli or Sirte by President Obama and his consort NATO and the rebels in the "guise" of freedom, which many times throughout history has equaled "chaos" and "blood baths" by mankind's violent primitive "warfare mentality" and greed...

"Let us remember" that America's President Barack Obama, "authored" the unfolding events in Libya, its war distruction, which now should include his own self righteous "war crimes" accountability...
"Let it be remembered" that except for some African States, Cuba, Venezuela's Hugo Chavez and Russia's Prime Minister Vladimir Putin who all voiced against "the raping of Libya" the world kept "silent", like back in 1935 when Adolph Hitler and his NAZI Party raped the Jewish citizens of their civil rights, and human dignity.
In retrospective, NATO was misused by U.S. President Obama, England, and France by their bombing the Libyan people in the "guise" to save the Libyan people, but in reality their purpose was to overthrow Gadhafi's regime in power and grab its vast oil reserves, not NATO's original purpose as "peace keeper". After this "unlawful" abuse by NATO, perhaps its time for the U.S. and the world to dissolve this "cold war relic", as for President Muammar Gadhafi, in Islam, "God's Child" he too will fade gloriously into history...



              Mark E. Temme

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Anarchy In Libya...Report by Mark E. Temme

As a writer covering the current rebellion in Libya, i agree with the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, who on March 7, 2011 on Itar-Tass News Agency, Minister Lavrov stated, "we want for a stop to violence and bloodshed in Libya, we need to settle the situation by political methods."

Mr. Temme  'reprimands' President Obama and states, "in the past few weeks  U.S. President Obama and Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton have 'encouraged' open unlawful rebellion in Libya." Such savergy by these two 'Americans' is not acceptable in 2011...
 Mr. Temme state's "Revolutions always involve blood and death, to openly 'cheer them on' like our colored inexperienced President Obama, and his 'beak faced' Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who's husband President Clinton was impeached by the United States Congress for 'immorality' lying about his immoral behavior in office.
Their behavior is not only immoral but unacceptable and barbaric"...

Mr. Temme states, "as a country founded by President Washington in Federalist views, in the 1780's, we as Americans owe President Washington and the world to do better"...

A Earth News Report

March 10, 2011... A Retrospect  "Anarchy in Libya"

A Earth News Report... by Mark E. Temme

In the early 1990s with the meltdown and fall of the Soviet Union, then President Bush "the elder" kept low key watching the drama as it unfolded. Wisely he kept his personal opinions to himself, and did not publicly "encourage" the downfall of the once powerful adversary of the United States, unlike President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton who were and are "cheering" on the sidelines for the "rebels" against Moammar Gadhafi the legal head of state in Libya. Only a few years earlier President George Bush "the younger" had rightfully hailed  President Gadhafi and Libya as former terrorist state, a poster child for now going "against" terrorism, a friend of the United States...

Should the drama now unfolding in Libya turn out in President Gadhafi's favor, the Obama Administration may have its first foreign policy failure, its "Bay of Pigs" which was the failed American backed abortive invasion of Cuba by Cuban "rebels" to overthrow Fidel Castro in 1961, (Kennedy Administration) thus turning Cuba's government and Castro against the United States to this very day.

By Mark E. Temme
A Earth News Report

March 18, 2011

The war or "revolution" in Libya may now be near its end, in "favor" of Moammar Gadhafi, unless the United Nations uses military action against the Gadhafi regime to prolong the war, nullifying any possible stability in Libya which may have been attained in their country, despite some United Nation members and U.S. President Obama's support of the rebels... As a former ASC member and past advisor, i  have always concured with Seif al-Islam, son of Libyan leader and President Moammar Gadhafi, that their "present" world view was the correct view, that "view" being against terrorism and lawlessness in accord with "Weltansicht" or the "world view" of political reality...

By Mark E. Temme
A Earth News Report

March 21, 2011

 "President Obama's 'vengeance' military airstrikes against the Gadhafi regime aided by some United Nations members such as France and Britain towards Libya is misguided, it should  have been towards Syria, the true terrorist state in the region."
According to former ASC member  Marc Temme, destabilizing the Gadhafi regime only will invite lawlessness and terrorism, apparently no lessons were learned by the Obama Administration from the United States invasion of Iraq in the last Gulf War...

(Log entry October 10, 2012)
Mr. Temme's prediction came to be true... U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and staff in Libya in September 2012 were slain by Libyan faction groups at their embassy in Benghazi. The later rebellion in Syria fueled and incited by the U.S. and NATO members continues to rage in Syria, as rebel thugs try to overthrow the Syrian government...

A Earth News Report

March 28, 2011

A Earth News Report/Anarchy In Libya
by Mark E. Temme

As a former ASC member, i seriously doubt President Obama's "wisdom" in foreign policy concerning Libya, by "taking out" President Moammar Gadhafi's regime and installing a bunch of "known" radical al-Qaeda connected revolutionaries in Gadhafi's place, whom disregard law and order... I don't want to question President Obama's "loyalty" to the United States, only his "wisdom" concerning international foreign policy and affairs... The "ENDGAME" in Libya may yet be Obama's "Cuban Bay of Pigs" but in reverse... President Obama's response for the U.S. backed invasion of Libya was stated' to "save the Libyan civilian peoples lives", in reality its a joke, its about Libya's oil, as Gadhafi's son Seif al-Islam stated a few weeks ago in a interview, and i now state, "where was the United States and the United Nations human rights "concern" or "military force" for the Srebrenica massacre in July 1995"

March 30, 2011

Mark E.Temme a former ASC member "suggests" that President Obama should "resign" as President of the United States, under the grounds of "incompetence" concerning foreign affairs and policy...  Mr. Temme state's that President Obama's Libyan "debacle" is his  administration's "Cuban Bay of Pigs"... In effect, his  Presidential actions were indirectly or directly aimed at installing an al-Qaeda based revolutionary government in Libya, by a attempting "taking out" the Gadhafi regime, a now ally against terrorism which was "known" to be anti-al-Qaeda at the present, and pro-friendly with U.S. government policy ... Mr. Temme calls on the U.S. Congress to begin "impeachment processes"...

A Earth News Report...

April 1, 2011

"Anarchy in Libya"
By Mark E.Temme

Recent reports "unconfirmed" report that Moammar Gadhafi is being supported by Russia in a "covert agreement" with Russia to supply future armaments to the Gadhafi regime "after" being knifed by the Obama Administration in Libya's civil uprising.
 Could Libya be Obama's "Cuban Bay of Pigs" ?

A Earth News Report
By Mark E. Temme

April 22, 2011
Anarchy in Libya
By Mark E. Temme

Recent reports on the news report that United States Senator John McCain of Arizona a former American POW (Vietnamese War Criminal) and U.S Congressman  Mike Rodgers, R. Michigan., Chairman of the House Intelligence Commitee are advocating possible "arming" the rebels in Libya, i as a former ASC member believe this is "unresponsible" as the rebel force is "known" to have al-Qaeda links... Many of them a bunch of "lawless thugs"...

I advocate Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's commom sense approach "wait and see"...
My question to the American public and as an "American" is: Are we to abandon our forefathers wisdom and advise, such as President George Washington who stated all those years ago, "Let us not get entangled in foreign wars"... ?
In my view the White House is past due, and "owes" the American public and the Vietnamese people an "official apology" for the hundreds of thousands of lives "lost" during the last "unjust" American war (Vietnam) during the 1960s into the 1970s...

Report by Mark E. Temme

Friday, February 25, 2011

"Anarchy in Libya"... Commentary by Mark E. Temme

Ever since President Reagan bombed Libya in the 1980s', Libya's President Gadhafi has
kept himself low key and inline with U.S. policy criteria, thus until recently stability in Libya...
I support President Gadhafi's use of military force to suppress anarchy and unrest in his country, many of the mob a bunch of lawless thugs, some with terrorist connections.
Moammar Gadhafi as head of state is "legally bound" to suppress any anarchy with Libya's
current unrest and chaos...
Mr. Temme states, "we do not want an unorganized 'repeat' of
the Soviet Union and their 'Satellite States' chaotic melt down in the early 1990s..."

A Earth News Report

June 07, 2011

"Anarchy in Libya"
Commentary by Mark E. Temme

The war in Libya still drags on, as the Obama White House and its NATO consorts, are continuing their bombing raids on the Libyan people and Gadhafi regime, under thr "guise" of protecting the Libyan people... Apparently no lessons were learned by the White House from its previous failed wars, such as in Korea in the 1950s, then again by the President Kennedy Administration with its attempted and failed "Cuban Bay of Pigs" invasion where it tried to ouster Fidel Castro in 1961. Then again a few years later its war in Vietnam, trying to "prop up" a puppet government, like now in Libya, in Vietnam it "ultimately" failed costing hundreds of thousands of lives, including nearly 60,000 U.S. service men.
As the pop group ABBA in their hit song "Waterloo" in the 1970s, sang in one lyric, "The history book on the shelf is always repeating itself ", which unfortunately is proving again to hold true...